While I was in downtown Los Angeles attending a symposium, I took the time to stop by the construction of two custom hillside houses we designed in Silverlake. The two are part of a trio of houses for three lots in a row with views of the Los Angeles skyline. We are always excited to see our work coming out of the ground.

One of the houses was being built by our Client, while the other had been sold before construction began and was being constructed by the new Owner’s contractor. The Owners have hired another architecture firm to make modifications to the house we designed after the building permit was pulled. We see all of our work as a collaboration, with the Owners, the consultants and even the contractor and tradespeople that ultimately get a project built. Although this process is different in that the other architects were brought in after completion of the design, we still look at this as a collaboration of sorts, and are really interested to see their contributions  as the construction progresses.

the house with new Owners

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the house with the Original Owners



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